This past Saturday I went to church to clean the nursery. The men were having their monthly breakfast that morning, and I tried to sneak in without being noticed. No such luck. As I got one foot in the door I immediately heard "Intruder!!!". I made it to the nursery and began cleaning. Within a few minutes I hear the door open and looked and saw Ed Slone. He was bringing me a plate FULL of food from the men's breakfast. That was such a kind gesture, from a kind man. Then a few minutes later Forest stuck his head in the nursery and offered to make me up a plate of food. What a blessing it is to have such kind, considerate men at our church. It made my day.
Grace Baptist is THE place to be. Praise the Lord for kind servants of Him. I will have to clean on men's breakfast day.(just kidding)
How wonderful, we do have the best church ever!!!
We do have the kindest men @ church! and it was good wasn't it, I know Jr bought food home and we all enjoyed it.
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