We have just returned from a very sunny & warm vacation in Florida. We decided to fly at the last minute. What a pleasant surprise that was! Even though our flight was about 4 hours late departing from Midway, it still was a lot quicker! We were all very patient waiting for the arrival of our plane, even Zach. He was very excited to go on an airplane. Everything was very new to him so he talked, and talked , and talked about EVERYTHING. On our flight down Mike was fortunate to find a friend from New York to sit by and talk sports. I'm pretty sure he enjoyed that. We arrived late and hungry in Fort Myers and it was Waffle House to the rescue. Mom was kind enough to be waiting up for us when we arrived in the early am. She was also kind enough to have a "honey do" list waiting for Bob. It kept him busy between golf games.

Tiffanie & RJ 
On Christmas Eve Mike suggested we return to Tri City Baptist Church in Port Charlotte. We went there this time last year for service also. They are so warm and friendly, just like home. It turns out their Pastor knows our Pastor. Small world. On Christmas day we were treated to a wonderful homemade dinner. Mom went all out for us. It had some old family favorites and some new ones too.
We went shopping at the mall after Christmas hoping to catch some good sales. Mom went with us. Now, if you know Mom, she doesn't go to the mall with just anyone. She must really love you if she goes to the mall with you. Alot of our time was spent by the pool. What better way to spend Christmas break, but swimming in an 80+ degree pool! Evenings were spent playing pinochle. Dad was in his glory when he whooped Mom & Bob.
We spent some time in the St. Pete Beach area. We were able to catch up with Tiffanie & Steve, and RJ. We stayed at a really nice resort for two nights. It's beach was the Gulf. Beautiful sunsets, great meals, & relaxing at the pool. Once again Mike found a great church for us to go to Sunday. West Gate Baptist in Tampa is a warm and friendly church. Very similar to home. they have a small college there and were interested in Mike. We'll see.
Our last night was spent at the Hampton Inn in Sarasota. The next day we caught up with the Scofields. We grilled a wonderful lunch at their newly remodeled home. It was so nice to see them again. Then it was off to the airport to return the car, catch our plane, and enter back into reality.
We returned home just in time to go to church on New Year's Eve for our "Watch Night Service". What a great night. I never knew we had such talent at Grace!
Vacationing is great, but there's no place like home! (And your own bed!)
Bob picking fruit at Mom & Dad's
Christmas Eve in the pool Christmas Day in the pool
Mom & Dad G
Looks like a wonderful trip! I would have loved to have been swimming on Christmas! I am glad you like to be back, I really missed you... and I LOVE how fast you get back to work! :) Thanks for all your help.
I'm thankful that you had a good time but I'am more thankful that you are home. We missed you guys have a great New Year!
NEWS FLASH...lady goes missing after she blogs about a wonderful vacation...details at 10.
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