Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Eve & Pie

We went to a wonderful Valentine Banquet last night. It was filled with love, church family, a wonderful speaker, food, fun games and wonderful prizes. Thank you to Sabrina & Marianne for such a great evening. All the couples seemed to enjoy themselves! I love to get dressed up and go out on a date. It's so special!

And on a much messier note here are the pictures I promised you from the infamous pie eating contest. The victims:
Remember, no hands.
I don't think I feel so good.
It was so worth it!
Mike took first place and second place went to the senior representative.


Kim said...

He fought the pie, and he won! that one pic of Mike looks like he was beaten up. good thing we knew it was pie. Way to go Mike!!

and I'm happy that you and Bob had a great Valentine's Day and Evening, saw on face book that you guys made cookies! bet they were good.

Debbie said...

Those pictures a great (and gross)! He did a good job cleaning his plate. I banquet was so much fun. Thanks again to everyone that put so much work into it.