Saturday, October 10, 2009

Who Knew?

Tonight we went to Hessville Baptist Church in Hammond (Hessville), IN. Sacred Heritage, a wonderful group of Christian men, were giving a concert as part of that church's 75th anniversary. It was GREAT! We went as a family. I had originally tried to surprise Mike with this outing. Sacred Heritage is a favorite of his and I thank God that this is the music he CHOOSES to listen to. He was thrilled to learn that we would be attending. Zach loved it too. He was singing and clapping and having a good ole time. I think he was amazed to see the guys that he hears on the cds. Bob was toe tapping, clapping and doing some singing as well. I thoroughly enjoyed myself too. Did you ever hear a song and it just gives you a chill? "It's Still The Cross" was that song tonight.
On our way home I was thinking about how blessed I am to have a husband who wants to take his family to an event like this. And also to have two teenage sons who want to go to a Christian concert, and with their parents!!! If you asked me 20 years ago if I thought this could happen, I would have told you that you were crazy. I surely had no clue. Who knew? God knew. I am ever so grateful that He brought us here.

1 comment:

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

so glad that you all enjoyed such a great time!