Mike is doing well. His surgery was yesterday afternoon, and it went as planned. Thank you for all your prayers. The doctor removed several plantar warts and he was amazed at the depth of them . Mike was to the point that is was incredibly painful to walk. So now he is bearing with the pain of healing and the awkwardness of using crutches to get around. The teen choir is singing Sunday and he is determined to be up there with them, crutches and all. He is also looking forward to the upcoming Men's retreat at Camp Joy. I wonder where he gets all this energy, heredity maybe?
I just want to add the funny things you say when the anesthesia is wearing off! He says he doesn't remember saying a thing. " How could I make some of this stuff up?" I said. I promised I wouldn't tell everything he said, but he did tell me of a friend he has that makes lemon meringue pie from scratch! :)
What a tropper. Keep up the good work and get better quick Mike. The Todd family is praying for you.
I couldn't believe how well he was doing on Sunday! God is so good.
Way to go Mike! you did a great job on Sunday. Hope you are feeling better, and getting accoustemed to those crutches!.
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